Mindfulness Meditation by the Andaman Sea

Stop. Relax. Focus. Renew Your Energy. Practicing Mindfulness brings us into the moment. It helps us focus and regroup our thoughts. Numerous studies have shown the well-being and productivity benefits of Mindfulness. I’m blessed to live in a natural setting, by the Andaman Sea, and I’ve put together this meditation piece of all-natural sounds from

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Hearing & Unhearing Patterns in Chaos

Are you skilled enough to listen to this recording and hear a hidden message? Once you’ve learned the hidden message, can you listen without hearing it? Our brains are prediction machines, constantly using experience to make sense of the present & anticipate the future. Sometimes we look at our environment & just see noise &

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Sub Culture: Learn to Adapt

Bringing your cultural habits into another culture may be accepted if it’s a positive thing…or it may get this “sleepy” subway commuter slapped! Adapting to Culture “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle.

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Leading Through Technological Leaps

The challenges of really huge technological leaps, after they have already occurred, are difficult for our brains to imagine. One of the most significant leaps in human history was from animal-powered to mechanical locomotion. In our automated world, it is nearly impossible to imagine the rapid adjustment required from the natural movements of horses to

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Cultural Differences in Leader Expectations

Cultural differences in expectations of leaders can be manifest in clothing styles. An HSBC bank “Different Points of View” ad campaign captured this by showing diverse interpretations of wearing suits versus casual clothes. In a culture that values adherence to hierarchy, which includes most Asian cultures, the leader is expected to dress more formally. In

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Learn to See Cultural Differences

We all see things differently. Even simple eating habits are diverse across cultures. HSBC bank has produced many humorous commercials that capture cultural diversity in funny yet poignant ways, including this one of a Chinese business dinner. English culture believes you might insult your host if you don’t finish a meal.  But Chinese culture tends

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Your Culture, Language, & Memory

Culture affects everything we think & do. A fascinating study published by the Max Planck Society indicates that culture, through language, can even affect our working memory.  Languages can be classified by where the “head,” or main idea, is in relationship to things that modify the head. When the head is followed by modifying elements,

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Will Big Data Take Our Autonomy?

“…data can predict not just which shirt you might be willing to buy, but which topics are so emotionally charged you cannot look away from them — and which pieces of propaganda will work best upon you. And that makes the platforms that collect data at scale an amazing way to influence human beings.” —

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Electricity & Water Spark a Leadership Lesson

Electrical shorts are probably the most common cause of fires in Thailand, according to one Bangkok firefighter, & yet this video from Thailand shows some very inadequate training for dealing with electrical fire. Paid firefighters in Thailand start out with a salary of only about $500 USD (15,000 Baht) per month; many join not just

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Chinese New Year Culture in Thailand

新年快樂!Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Ethnic Chinese around Southeast Asia and the world celebrate the lunar calendar “Year of the Pig,” beginning 5 February.  There will be many days of festivities in places like Hat Yai, Thailand…a town largely founded by ethnic Chinese immigrants in the early 20thcentury. The culture is well-kept in the

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