Planning a New Year’s Resolution? Make an Action Plan!

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An action plan gets to the “nitty gritty” of how we will set ourselves up for success. Here’s how to do it:

Make a table with five columns, labeled “Objective”, “Actions”, “Support/Resources”, “Progress/Feedback”, “Time Frame”.

In the Objective column, state your stretch goal and then the specific, supporting goal.

In the Actions column, commit to specific behaviors that will move you toward your goal.

In the Support/Resources column, brainstorm on all the tools that are available to assist you, including people, information, technology, or other resources.

In the Progress/Feedback column, write down measures of success or other sources that can assess your progress toward the goal. You might include a visual aid (discussed below) to record your progress.

In the Time Frame column, state your deadline, as well as appropriate milestones with an associated date.

Soft Power Skills Academy invites you to a free interactive online workshop via Zoom on goal-setting Tuesday 8 January at 7 pm. Network with like-minded achievers while you craft a better you for 2019. Send a message to to join.

#SoftPowerSkills #Nspyr #InspireEmpowerChange

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