Month: February 2019

Test Your Beliefs

Philip Tetlock found a surprising result when testing teams of experts to predict future events. After years of tracking how well these teams did in forecasting significant events or developments in countries, he found they did little better than random chance…about as well as “a dart-throwing chimpanzee.” A big problem, however, was that these experts were

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Reckless Thai Motorcycle Mama

This video is shocking.  How could a mother endanger lives by texting & driving a motorcycle with hands off the handle bar? But should we blame this woman, or take a look at the culture that made her think this is ok? Thailand has the world’s 3rd highest per capita rate of motorcycle-related fatalities, and

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Dealing With Disruptive Change

What is our capacity to envision our possible futures? How do we prepare? Here’s one example—genetically-edited algae that reproduces on wasteland, in salt water, absorbing carbon emissions to produce fuel. Wild algae didn’t produce enough fats to make it economically feasible to extract energy—but scientists discovered how to genetically manipulate a ‘lipid trigger’ that doubled

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Expand Your Limits Through Language

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.    — Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher Are ideas independent of language? Can one person’s idea conceived in one language be completely translated into another language without loss? In our global world, even with Google translate or human interpreters, perfect communication is rarely possible. If you have

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The Cure for AntiSocial Media

The ideal promise of world community through the global Internet & social media sites has become a dystopian reality of digital tribes warring with one another. Using Internet more than 5 hours per day (and the average US teenager is on 9 hours per day) has been linked to increased suicide and depression rates.  There’s

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Mindfulness Meditation by the Andaman Sea

Stop. Relax. Focus. Renew Your Energy. Practicing Mindfulness brings us into the moment. It helps us focus and regroup our thoughts. Numerous studies have shown the well-being and productivity benefits of Mindfulness. I’m blessed to live in a natural setting, by the Andaman Sea, and I’ve put together this meditation piece of all-natural sounds from

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Hearing & Unhearing Patterns in Chaos

Are you skilled enough to listen to this recording and hear a hidden message? Once you’ve learned the hidden message, can you listen without hearing it? Our brains are prediction machines, constantly using experience to make sense of the present & anticipate the future. Sometimes we look at our environment & just see noise &

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Sub Culture: Learn to Adapt

Bringing your cultural habits into another culture may be accepted if it’s a positive thing…or it may get this “sleepy” subway commuter slapped! Adapting to Culture “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle.

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Leading Through Technological Leaps

The challenges of really huge technological leaps, after they have already occurred, are difficult for our brains to imagine. One of the most significant leaps in human history was from animal-powered to mechanical locomotion. In our automated world, it is nearly impossible to imagine the rapid adjustment required from the natural movements of horses to

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Cultural Differences in Leader Expectations

Cultural differences in expectations of leaders can be manifest in clothing styles. An HSBC bank “Different Points of View” ad campaign captured this by showing diverse interpretations of wearing suits versus casual clothes. In a culture that values adherence to hierarchy, which includes most Asian cultures, the leader is expected to dress more formally. In

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