Month: April 2018

Seeing Red: 7 Ways to Overcome Your Confirmation Bias

Imagine driving down the highway, and suddenly a red flash cuts you off and zooms recklessly ahead, quickly disappearing in the distance. You think to yourself, “What a jerk! Thinks he doesn’t have to obey rules…he’s going to kill somebody! It figures he’s in a red Porsche…” And from that point you draw a conclusion

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3 Observations About Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 Engine Failure Incident

On 18 April 2018, Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 was passing 32,500 feet altitude, bound for Dallas from New York. Passengers heard and felt a large explosion, a sudden depressurization, and rapid turn and descent. A passenger was sucked half-way out of a blown-out window, severely injured from explosion shrapnel. In the chaos, the aircrew managed

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When Setting Goals Becomes TOXIC

When I was in the US Air Force, I witnessed several examples of the downside of goal-setting. The structure of promotion often rewarded holding certain positions over the actual performance in the position. One example particularly sticks in my mind of a “fast burner,” or someone on the fast promotion track, who was shifted over

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50+ Years of Automated Teller Machines…Why Didn’t Teller Jobs Disappear?

Last year in June, the ATM celebrated its 50th birthday. So, if tellers have been “automated" for over 50 years, why do we still have tellers? And what does this tell us about the AI threat to jobs that everyone fears? Many people thought that the ATMs would eventually wipe out teller jobs, but in

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Create a Better Story of Yourself

Life is difficult, and we will encounter challenges. We’ll come to places where we need to step up and grow. This is a common story about everyone, told in different ways. Here’s one story about making a decision to change…to break barriers. Your Story: Your Experience of Soft Power Skills Academy from Soft Power Skills

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Learning the Art of Receiving Feedback

“When we give feedback, we notice that the receiver isn’t good at receiving it. When we receive feedback, we notice that the giver isn’t good at giving it….the key player is not the giver, but the receiver.” Stone and Heen, Thanks for the Feedback Feedback is essential to our improvement—and our skill in receiving feedback

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Will a Robot Concierge Be Making Your Next Restaurant Reservation?

A trilingual robot is greeting guests and answering their questions in an Italian hotel, and self-improving with each guest interaction. The robot has the capability to learn new things and improve its abilities through artificial intelligence…the more guests Robby Pepper the Robot speaks to, the better it gets at understanding accents, the subtle meaning of

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